
Having an environment span 3 clusters across 3 different providers (AWS, GCP and on-prem), we want applications running in different clusters to be able to communicate to each other. Specific objectives are:

  • Cross cluster pod networking and encryption
  • Ability to target a remote cluster Kubernetes Service
  • Add rules to allow certain applications from a remote cluster talk to local endpoints

We have a flat layer 3 network between clusters, which allows communication between all nodes. Each cluster allocates nodes in a dedicated provider subnet:

  • AWS:
  • GCP:
  • on-prem:

Equally important, the subnets from which Pods are assigned IP addresses are:

  • AWS:
  • GCP:
  • on-prem:


  • Calico CNI: We run Calico as CNI in every cluster, and thus we have built a solution that relies on it.
  • CoreDNS (for semaphore-service-mirror)
  • Flat network between Kubernetes Nodes in different clusters

Existing Solutions

We have reviewed Istio, Linkerd, Consul and also played with our own configurer for Envoy proxy directly. Even though each of these solutions was able to provide us most or all the above goals, we have decided that none fits our environment well enough to make the investment worthy. We were not necessarily interested in a service mesh between applications in different clusters so we would not benefit from a great amount of the functionality offered by these frameworks.

We wanted to avoid using sidecar proxies and the extra overhead they bring and try to make sure that our applications and manifests remain as agnostic as possible regardless of the underlying solution for cross-cluster comms.


Adding to the above mentioned decision to avoid using sidecar proxies, we wanted to solve these problems in a simple way, both from operational and user point of view.

Ideally, each goal should be achieved in isolation, so for example if users need only encryption for their pod communication, they should be able to deploy just that. Also, we consider important to require the minimum buy in for new users, so that they need minimal configuration to try the solution and an easy way to revert.


Kube-Semaphore is a light framework that provides simple, secure communication between deployments that run in different Kubernetes clusters, without requiring any changes to the applications code or deployment manifests.

This is not intended to implement a service mesh model, but aims to provide service endpoints and firewall rules for workloads that reside in a remote cluster.

It is implemented as a set of 3 independent tools:

  • Semapore-Wireguard: Responsible for the encryption on traffic between Kubernetes clusters.

  • Semaphore-Service-Mirror: Responsible for exposing Kubernetes services from one cluster to another to avoid going through external load balancers.

  • Semaphore-policy: Responsible for creating firewall rules on cross cluster traffic on pod to pod communication level.

In order to be as small, lightweight, and safe as possible, the components are written in Go and use the respective Kubernetes and Calico client implementations. Also, the footprint on a remote cluster is minimal, as the only thing needed for local controllers to work is a set of service accounts that will alllow watching the resources of interest.

Routing and Encryption

Semaphore-Wireguard is responsible for handling encryption between nodes of different clusters and adding routes for remote pod subnets on local hosts. It is essentially a WireGuard peer manager that runs on every node in every cluster and automates the peering between them. It is responsible for generating local keys and discovering all remote keys and endpoints to configure peering with all remote nodes. Moreover, it is responsible for updating local route tables in order to direct all traffic going to remote pod subnets via the host’s WireGuard interfaces. As a result, pods can reach pods from remote clusters utilizing the WireGuard mesh created between nodes in all clusters.

Combined with WireGuard for in-cluster traffic (offered by Calico), the end result will be a full mesh between all nodes in our clusters and all traffic travelling between nodes via the created WireGuard network.

Controller DaemonSet deployment example can be found here

The following diagram illustrates the created WireGuard mesh between our hosts, where our on-prem cluster is named “merit”: full-mesh


Semaphore-Service-Mirror is a controller responsible for mirroring services from one Kubernetes cluster to another. We define “mirror service” as a local Kubernetes service with endpoints that live in a remote cluster.

The mirroring controller will create local Services in the cluster and will update the list of endpoints with the IP addresses of Pods from the remote cluster. The end result is simply a Kubernetes Service of type ClusterIP.

Controller deployment example can be found here

For example, assuming that we have a Service resource in AWS cluster as:

kubectl --context=aws --namespace=sys-log get service fluentd
NAME      TYPE        CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)             AGE
fluentd   ClusterIP   <none>        8888/TCP,8889/TCP   164d

and the respective Endpoints:

kubectl --context=aws --namespace=sys-log get endpoints fluentd
NAME      ENDPOINTS                                                  AGE
fluentd,, + 3 more...   164d

The mirror controller will create respective service and endpoints in the namespace where semaphore-service-mirror is running, in this case sys-semaphore:

kubectl --context=gcp --namespace=sys-semaphore get service | grep fluentd
aws-sys-log-73736d-fluentd   ClusterIP   <none>        8888/TCP,8889/TCP   25d
kubectl --context=gcp --namespace=sys-semaphore get endpoints | grep fluentd
aws-sys-log-73736d-fluentd,, + 3 more...   17d

Looking at the end result we have a Kubernetes Service with endpoints that point to pod IPs from a remote cluster:

kubectl --context=gcp --namespace=sys-semaphore describe service aws-sys-log-73736d-fluentd | grep Endpoints

Since our controller will be watching the remote resources and updating on any event, the mirrored service should always have up to date information regarding the available endpoints.

Finally, if we follow this CoreDNS configuration, we will be able to resolve the mirrored service in a rational manner:

# drill
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, rcode: NOERROR, id: 51067
;; flags: qr aa rd ; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0 
;;     IN      A

;; ANSWER SECTION:        5       IN      A

So our pods can use human friendly names and would not require any knowledge of the mirroring mechanism.


Semaphore-Policy is the component that allows us to create firewall rules for traffic originated from a remote cluster. The objective here is to create sets of IPs that will be used in Calico Network Policies to define which traffic should be allowed. The controller has only one task, to watch remote Pods based on a label and create local NetworkSets with all the discovered IP addresses. Then we can use simple labels to describe those sets inside a Calico Network Policy and effectively implement cross cluster firewall rules.

Controller deployment example can be found here

For example, let’s consider the following deployment in our GCP cluster:

$ kubectl --context=gcp --namespace=sys-log get po -o wide -l
NAME              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE     IP          NODE                                      NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
forwarder-4jdm6   1/1     Running   0          3d20h    worker-k8s-exp-1-4l87.c.uw-dev.internal   <none>           <none>
forwarder-6ztl4   1/1     Running   0          3d20h   worker-k8s-exp-1-2868.c.uw-dev.internal   <none>           <none>
forwarder-klxdc   1/1     Running   0          4h27m    master-k8s-exp-1-j5f8.c.uw-dev.internal   <none>           <none>
forwarder-m9k27   1/1     Running   0          4h27m    master-k8s-exp-1-fc0b.c.uw-dev.internal   <none>           <none>
forwarder-n6nsn   1/1     Running   0          4h27m    master-k8s-exp-1-31rv.c.uw-dev.internal   <none>           <none>
forwarder-n8vnj   1/1     Running   0          3d20h    worker-k8s-exp-1-mdd7.c.uw-dev.internal   <none>           <none>

Which shows a DaemonSet named forwarder under sys-log namespace. In order for the policy controller to create the needed resources in a remote cluster, we need to make sure that all the pods of the above DaemonSet are labelled as: That will trigger the AWS controller to create the respective GlobalNetworkSet as described above:

 $ kubectl --context=aws describe GlobalNetworkSet gcp-sys-log-forwarder
Name:         gcp-sys-log-forwarder
Labels:       managed-by=semaphore-policy
Annotations: {"uid":"c7569765-a47d-424c-9533-80e4a7c201d6","creationTimestamp":"2021-04-09T15:04:43Z"}
API Version:
Kind:         GlobalNetworkSet
Events:  <none>

That is now a set which presents the remote deployments IP addresses and can be used in a namespaced Calico NetworkPolicy on the cluster receiving the traffic:

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: allow-to-fluentd
  selector: == 'fluentd'
    - Ingress
    - action: Allow
      protocol: TCP
        selector: >-
 == 'forwarder' &&
 == 'sys-log' &&
 == 'gcp'
        namespaceSelector: global()
          - 8889

The above rule will allow traffic from our remote “forwarder” to our local Service “fluentd”.


This setup works really well for us, but is definitely isn’t universal, fits all solution. If it works for you - great, if not - we hope you can take away something useful from it.

We heavily lean on and defer complexity to Calico and WireGuard, so huge tip of the hat to those two projects that enabled our solution. It also means we can have high level of confidence in our setup, that only orchestrates around other primitives.

You can find more of our projects at and